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この花屋はGoogle Mapで有名


 というステッカーでGoogle Mapのプロモーションが行われている様子。ロンドンで撮られた写真のようだ。

ソース:Flickr: Flower shop on Google Maps

June 30, 2008 in Outdoor | Permalink


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You will find an image representing Google Maps on this page but more importantly, it serves as a reminder for us all in several ways. The information as you will gather was primarily written by me to help educate others on how they can save at the gas-pump and protect the environment, by reducing their carbon footprint.
As nothing is really free, although the exception to the rule here is opposite.

I chose not to sell the private label rights product but instead, allowed everyone equal access in the hope it might just help them.

You will also find a Campaign running at the top of the page for charity, that is why in my mind, nothing is free.

Posted by: frank burns | Jul 4, 2010 11:27:31 AM

In Memory of two young Japanese enthusiasts who died whilst loving their sport. I stopped my car and took time to take a snapshot, I had no idea that I could ever have had an opportunity to display this image online, but with deep respect, I honor those young men nevertheless. http://www.dofollowuntacticcal000.com/My_Travels/My_Travels.html.htm

Posted by: frank burns | Jul 5, 2010 9:50:03 AM

Google's Picasa now holds the Image of the Cannonball_Run that I previously shared here. The reason why I shared it in the first place, was to bring closure of the families grief & loss of their loved one's with a simple Image that they themselves can relate to and treasure.

I hope all receiving families accept this small token of kindness.

Frank Burns

Posted by: frank burns | Aug 29, 2013 8:57:24 AM